27 September 2009

How does it feel to have tried your best , but to know that nobody appreciates it .
Nobody really cares whether you succeed or fail .
To them they don't see the importance us trying .
It sucks let me tell you that .
It really really sucks .
I try my best every single day i have left ,
to study and revise for my upcoming O levels .
But nobody in this household seems to care .
They think i'm selfish .
They even reprimand me .
Just because i want to have a bright future .
I'm doing the best i can to succeed .
To make everyone's lives easier .
but they just don't seem to see it .

" look at your cousin , he at least helps with the catering business . see what he earns . $120 . Unlike you , sit at home all day with your book . not even earning anything . "

Does it look like i've never helped ?
For the past few years i've been helping the damn business ,
neglecting my studies for god's sake .
Just tolerating my failing grades .
To account for all the weekends i could have actually used for revision or to study ,
I wouldn't be in such a rush now .
And when i help over the weekends with the tough job , i get tired physically and mentally .
When i turn up for school on mondays and tuesdays , i can't even think properly .
my body's too tired to even do anything .
But did you care ? Did you try to understand my situation ?
For once , i'm taking charge of my life and im trying to decide my future .
I need time off for myself . but you say im selfish .
You still force me to help the business over the weekends .
How fun is that ?
Just for a few months i need to prioritise my studies .
But noooo . . all the negativity comes into place
Amazing . Simply Amazing .

Yes mom , i'm selfish .
im purely selfish .
I only care about my life and my future .
Whether i become successful or i dont .
I'm selfish .
You're not .

25 September 2009

so lame ~


- trying to act cool when you're not
- trying to act emo all of a sudden
- laughing when other people laughs even when you dont know why .
- being hypocritical
- whining
- complaining
- pestering
- to actually think your joke is funny when nobody laughs
- did i mention trying to act cool ? well , trying to act cool . . .
- talking about something totally uninteresting . for example : your mom forcing you to bathe . tell us for what ?
- being someone you're nott
- being unresponsive/uninteractive
- being such a kaypoh
- not realising you're a kaypoh .
- being scared of teachers . come on they should be your friends . seriously .
- typing lol/lolzxczxc/rofl/lmao/roflmao/
- finding other ways to spell --> i tinq eeuu r verii kiyut =.=
- dressing up like a matrep and all but not admitting you're one
- dressing up like a matrep but in actual fact kedi nak mampos
- ( click on Abdillah's profile for the matrep tak menjadi )
- being a poser .
- thinking people like you .
- forcing people to like you .
- when nobody likes you
- dissing people off
- making fun of other people when only you are enjoying it
- one minute being nice to the person the other minute you're a mother fucker .
( some people might know who im referring to for this particular one )
- thinking that you don't belong to this list ~

24 September 2009

damned prelims

Prelim exams .
1 words for it .
L1R4 - 18 ( including cca ) , 20 excluding =.=
L1R5 - 24 (including cca ) , 26 excluding =.="

aiya can go poly one , but lousy course , FOR WHAT !?
rabak ah khairul rabak .
Come on Khairul you can do it !
Improve every subject by 1 grade .
Can at least get 14 .
14 = heaven for Khairul ~
Lets not consider going to JC okay ?
my humanities sucks .
borderline pass only ~~
wah piang eh !


19 September 2009

is it true bout these feelings i'm having ?
im uncertain , but i'm sure .
i think i've fallen in love .
with this certain special someone , whom i think i can live my whole life with .
Grow up with together .
till i'm old . yes i'm pretty sure .
i've fallen in love with a person whose name starts with S .
and she is sure damn Sexy .
her name is . . . .
yeah science is fun !

I have finally narrowed and settled on what course i want to apply for in polytechnic .
Finally .
Diploma in Chemical Engineering .
Cool shit i tell you .
plus the aggregate to enter isn't that bad .
18 points .
I can work towards that .
Come on Khairul you can do it !
Lets make it happen !


17 September 2009


( click on the pictures for a better view )

Dear Khairul ,
how pathetic can you get ?
Only 1 distinction for your prelims ?
what the heck is this ?
how do you expect to get into a good polytechnic course like this ?
1 A and the rest B's and C's
Come on at least 2 or 3 distinctions would be great you know .
You are working hard , but its not enough .
Good thing you've improved from you're failing grade to a " no failure " grade .


12 September 2009

wanna say many many thanks to a few special people
Who made today a very memorable birthday for me .
Because its been years since anyone ever celebrated my birthday .
And for you guys to make it possible ,
I'm so so sooooo grateful .

Thank you Azri , Nizar , Syafiq , Zabir , FadFad , Muhaimin
for the gifts and the celebration .
The sheesha was awesome guys .
After O levels we go again !
heh heh heh .

And for the Adidas sneakers ,
it was awesome guys .
never expected a gift like that .
Expensive ah ?
don't ungkit ungkit aah ?
Well at least now for Hari Raya i don't have to go look for shoes :D

Gila punya orang . .

i dont know him . really .

first-timer ~ heh heh heh ... Azri Azri . .

Wah wah you think so cool ah ?

boys and girls , don't go astray like me

mmm sedapnye . .

muka tak payah muram perr


The curious case of k.nods

Has it ever occurred to you why people call me K.Nods ?
Where did that name come from ?
Who thought of such a name ?


i'm thinking it started somewhere last year .
Where i remember vividly the class wanting to make a class t-shirt .
and i didn't feel like putting any other name , except K.nods .
Its not that i don't like the name .
I do like it . its kinda cool yeah ?
Well my class t-shirt has that name there ,
so i'm guessing it was much before that period .

All the way back to the fasting month last year .
I remember being AWESOMELY sick .
yeah super duper sick
temperature of like 40 degrees celcius for like 3 consecutive days .
Kinda harsh don't you think .
But it was around that time a few of my close friends would always sms me asking if i'm okay .
I remember Najlah texting me every once in a while to see if i was fine .
I remember Amigo texting me but i didn't reply her .
I remember my girlfriend at that time calling every half an hour to see if i was okay .
Oh and i remember Atiqah from my class asking me " K.nods kau okay tak ? "
But i'm sure that wasn't where it originated from .

A little bit back and it was the september holidays
I remember going to Endau Rompin in Malaysia for an NCC trip .
And there was this one point of time i tripped or something
and mubarak and clifton were going like " eh you okay or not kay or not ? EH YOU K.NOD YOU K.NOD ?"
and then they laughed like idiots .
But still thats way far ahead .
Lets move back somemore.

one of the most memorable times of my life so far .
It was the last day .
graduation day you may call it .
So we were all presented with our staff sergeant ranks and our lanyards .
So after that we went around jumping with joy .
And so i saw Kai Yi from afar .
and i shouted back lor " STAFF SERGEANT CHEE ! "
heh heh heh . . Chee. .
This period of time , everyone was already familiar to the name K.nods .
So it must have been MUCH MUCH BACK .

Lets skip back all the way to July .
It was the school's annual fund raising event .
All that crap you know .
And in the A.V.A room , the dnt students were making keychains .
out of blocks of woods - of which they used the soldering iron to carve out the names of people .
So i requested Syazwani to make one for me writing " K.NODS "
kay honestly the keychain was cool .
So i brought it out and showed it to Najlah and Nadia .
and Najlah's eyes were like sot sot liddat .
So she read it as " KoNods "
i mean , how can a fullstop look like an O ?
anyway she was playing with my keychain calling ke Konods .
like some kind of cereal brand i think .
Konods .
heeh .
But that was the first time she heard that name ,
so I must be getting pretty close .

Hmm i know that in NCC lots of the specialists call me K.Nods .
So lets try investigating NCC .
July was the period we just became specialist .
Taking over the unit for the very first time .
And july was also the period when NCC day took place .
i suppose . yeah .
And i remember one moment , we specialist and the senior batch were inside the NCC room .
Discussing who played what role for the NCC day parade .
Since I was the Part A PC , at that moment of time i barely had anything to do .
My cadets were to come the following year .
So I remember Ilyia was there .
Cos he was the previous Sergeant major so he would know what to do .
So he was at the whiteboard writing and drawing out the places and positions .
And we were arguing so as to who would play the more important roles .
Such as going up the podium and all .
And since i wasn't assigned any duty yet , Ilyia put me as one of those who went up the podium .
and he wrote my name on the whiteboard there " Khairul Nordin "
but then it was like so long ( yeah right )
so he erased to make space and wrote " Khairul Nod "
and then he suddenly burst into laughter and said " HAHAHAHA K.NODS "
and he wrote it there " K.NODS "


Firstly i wanna say ,
thank you to everyone who bothered to wish me happy birthday ,
regardless whether it was in the middle of the night or damn early in the morning .
It still means alot to me .
*starts crying*
it touches my heart knowing you guys care about me .

kay that was crap .
but really it touches my heart .
thank you aah !
Tonight we all go SHEESHAAA
don't worry .
I blanja the sheesha

08 September 2009

I was Bloghopping the other day , and i came upon Khairunnisa's Blog .
And i saw a post about things that made her happy .
So it gave me an idea , to list down the things that makes me happy .

Things that make me happy .
By Khairul .

-waking up knowing i'm not late for school .
-waking up knowing there's no school .
-waking up knowing my homework's done and my bag is packed .
-going to school with my friends .
-listening to my mp3 in the bus and a perfect song comes along .
-the song im listening to ends the moment i reach the bus stop
-waking up late on a sunday afternoon .
-bathing when i feel like it
-playing my guitar
-playing a song that suits my mood
-blasting the amplifiers with my electric guitar ; not giving a heck to others around me
-waking up with a message in my phone
-knowing that message came from someone dear .
-going to clean public toilets in shopping centres
-playing with the hand dryers .
-standing in a lift alone
-standing behind someone in the lift and pretend i'm trying to strangle him .
-playing an awesomely addictive game
-coming back home really really late
-chatting for hours on Msn with friends .
-falling asleep on the computer , knowing someone's chatting with me
-watching wrestling
-watching love stories on HBO.
-Tiger biscuits .
-tiger biscuts with milk
-tiger biscuits with milk in the middle of the night watching Nickelodeon .
-walking down the road with the wind blowing my hair all over my face
-imagine it to be a bollywood scene
-watching old favourite tv shows ( power rangers etc )
-talking bout old favourite tv shows and laughing my guts out
-talking bout adventures and events that happened before with crazy stuff happening
-laughing like mad about it
-actually just laughing like mad .
-when my mom/grandmother cooks something goooooooood .
-eating all i want without people caring .
-playing soccer
-playing soccer in the rain and laugh at whoever falls down
-going to the Mosque
-donating to the Mosque
-Being alone at home the whole day
-sms-ing someone the whole day - preferably someone special
-going to work on weekends
-finishing work
-laughing bout the day
-a clean room
-messing up my clean room
-opening up my closet to see my school uniform ironed .
-having lots of clothes to pick from when going out
-a necklace that tells me " hey i'm cool "
-a fragrance that makes you wanna hug people just so they smell it
-going to the beach
-coming back from school
-lessons with fun teachers .

01 September 2009

Wanna know what's my D&T project about ?
well i'll tell you .
My product is to solve the problem of coins lying around the house .
Mainly targeted to Students and Teenagers .
Its also a game of Tic Tac Toe .
Where you put coins in the compartments and play the game .
Simple .

This is what it looks like . Pretty huh ?

Here's a top view

Here you see the user with a handful of coins.

He puts some coins in one compartment and it lights up . Cool right ?

Then he continues the game by placing more coins in the next box.

Again it lights up .

The user then completes the game by putting more coins in the last box to form one row .

You play the game of tic Tac Toe !
Very pretty right my product ?
heh heh heh



Khairul Im Seventeen going on Eighteen. Im a nice guy , so hate me . I love Syasya Firzanah Binte Roslee Screw this , everyone knows me

i deleted all the links here because i feel the connection has been lost. To whoever wishes to be listed here, do let me know personally

Ask me!


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